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MarineSABRES at the 20th Edition of the AZTI Summer-School in San Sebastian

Kathrin Kopke, MaREI, University College Cork

Marine SABRES partners, Julie Bremner (CEFAS), Gemma Smith and Mike Elliott (IECS), Bruno Meirelles De Oliveira (AZTI) and Kathrin Kopke (MaREI-UCC) took part in, and contributed to this year’s AZTI Summer-school in San Sebastian, Spain. The event is organised, hosted, and facilitated annually since 2004 by our MarineSABRES WP4 lead Angel Borja and the AZTI team, and has been awarded the MakeEUBlue award 2024, for the best professional organization initiative, in ocean literacy. This year’s 20th edition of the school focused on the topic “Bridging the gap between marine science and policy: communicating for an informed society and decision-making”.

Marine SABRES teamed up with its Horizon Europe Sister Projects GES4SEAS, OBAMA-NEXT, BIOcean5D, ACTNOW and MARBEFES  to deliver an exciting programme for the 65 attendees and 13 Lectures from 15 countries: Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and UK.

The programme combined the experiences from scientists, journalists, and practitioners through lectures and interactive sessions to allow participants to explore different tools and methods that can help to improve science communication for informed policy and decision making.

Marine SABRES Science Communication Lead, Kathrin Kopke (MaREI, UCC, Ireland) delivered a session focused on ‘Navigating the challenges of Marine Science Communication – an exploration into accessibility of evidence based scientific marine information’ which covered both theory and interactive elements.

“AZTI Summer-School 2024 was an absolutely inspiring experience because I learned from and with the Summer School participants and my fellow lecturers in an enjoyable, welcoming environment provided by the AZTI team…”  Kathrin Kopke, MaREI , UCC, Ireland



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